ValidityBack To Products

Validity is a term describing the reliability of an assessment. It means that the test actually measures the intended results and that the correct information about an individual is being measured. The PTI was validated using Construct Validity. This means that similar tests reporting on the attitudinal Traits found in the PTI were used in a comparative way.

Goodness of FitBack To Products

The Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) is a measure of the validity for each question in the PTI Survey. GFI percentages indicate the reliability of each response to every question. Based on the GFI percentages a response item is weighted with a zero, one, or two point score. The greater the GFI percentage the higher the weighted score. Scores below 62% GFI received a zero weighting and GFI scores above 71% received a two point score.

GFI percentages ensure that the response items to each question actually measure the reported Behavioural Traits and are simply not popular answers to the questions themselves. In order to achieve a successful GFI percentage 62% of the population representing the first response must choose the corresponding item, while a maximum of 38% choose the second response. This means that the first response is indicative of the particular Behavioural Trait of the attitudinal pairing. At the same time the second response must also achieve a GFI rating greater than 62% for the remaining attitudinal Trait in the pairing. Similarly, the first response must achieve a GFI rating of 38% or less to accord the alternate Behavioural Trait in the attitudinal pairing a weighted score.

The PTI Survey continuously validates the GFI ratings for each question and each response on a regular basis so that the PTI survey continues to remain valid in its current state. This ongoing validity measurement of GFI ensures the highest standard of reliability and establishes the PTI as one of the most up to date Psychometric Assessments of its kind.